下午3点是十二时辰中的申时,具体时辰划分如下: 1、【子时】夜半,又名子夜、中夜:十二时辰的第一个时辰。(23时至01时)。 2、【丑时】鸡鸣,又名荒鸡:十二时辰的第二个时辰。(01时至03时)。 3、【寅时】平旦,又称黎明、早晨、日旦等:时是夜与日的交替之际。(03时至05时)。 4、【卯时】日出,又名日始、破晓等:指太阳刚刚露脸的那段时间。(05时至07时)。 5、【辰时】食时,又名早食等:古人“朝食”之时也就是吃早饭时间,(07时至09时)。 6、【巳时】隅中,又名日禺等:临近中午的时候称为隅中。(09时至11时)。 7、【午时】日中,又名日正、中午等:(11时至13时)。 8、【未时】日昳,又名日跌、日央等:太阳偏西为日昳。(13时至15时)。 9、【申时】晡时,又名日铺、夕食等:(15时至17时)。 10、【酉时】日入,又名日落、日沉、傍晚:意为太阳落山的时候。(17时至19时)。 11、【戌时】黄昏,又名日夕、日暮等:此时太阳已落山,故称黄昏。(19时至21时)。 12、【亥时】人定,又名定昏等:此时夜色已深,安歇睡眠。(21时至23时)。
下午3点是十二时辰中的申时。 申时:哺时,又名日铺、夕食,下午15:00到傍晚17:00。古人进餐习惯,吃第二顿饭是在晡时。因此,“晡时”之义即“第二次进餐之时”。古时“晡”与“馎”相通。时辰是古代的记时方法,一天分为十二个时辰,分别是子、丑、寅、卯、辰、已、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥。 其他时辰: 1、【子时】(23时至01时)夜半,又名子夜、中夜:十二时辰的第一个时辰。 2、【丑时】(01时至03时)鸡鸣,又名荒鸡:十二时辰的第二个时辰。 3、【寅时】(03时至05时)平旦,又称黎明、早晨、时是夜与日的交替之际。 4、【卯时】(05时至07时)日出,又名破晓、旭日,指太阳刚露脸,初升的时间。 5、【辰时】(07时至09时)食时,又名早食,也是吃早饭时间。 6、【巳时】(09时至11时)隅中,又名日禺等:临近中午的时候称为隅中。 7、【午时】(11时至13时)日中,又名日正、中午等。 8、【未时】(13时至15时)日昳,又名日跌、日央等:太阳偏西为日跌。 9、【申时】(15时至17时)哺时,又名日铺、夕食等。 10、【酉时】(17是至19时)日入,又名日落、傍晚:意为太阳落山的时候。 11、【戌时】(19时至21时)黄昏,又名日夕、日暮、日晚等:此时太阳已经落山,天将黑未黑。天地昏黄,万物朦胧,故称黄昏。 12、【亥时】(21时至23时)人定,又名定昏等:此时夜色已深,人们也已经停止活动,安歇睡眠了。人定也就是人静。
It is called "three-thirty in the afternoon." In English, the time is typically stated using the 12-hour clock system, with "a.m." or "p.m." designating whether the time is in the morning or afternoon/evening. In this case, "three-thirty in the afternoon" or "three-thirty p.m." would be the appropriate way to express the time.It's important to note that there are some minor variations in the way time is expressed depending on the English-speaking region. For example, in some parts of the United Kingdom, people might say "half-three" instead of "three-thirty." However, "three-thirty in the afternoon" is a commonly used and widely understood way to express the time, regardless of region.In addition to the basic way of stating the time, there are some other related phrases and vocabulary that might be useful to know. For example, if one wanted to schedule a meeting at 3:30 p.m., they might say "Let's schedule it for 3:30 in the afternoon." Alternatively, if someone wanted to ask what time it was around 3:30, they might use the question, "Is it half-past three?" Other related vocabulary might include phrases like "quarter to four" or "half-past three," which refer to slightly different times, but can be used in similar contexts. Additionally, it's worth noting that in some technical fields or situations, the 24-hour clock might be used instead of the 12-hour clock, which could change the way the time is expressed.