mega的意思是百万 拓展: 英音 ['megə] ; 美音 ['megə] ; 名词百万,大adj.巨大的;极佳的 例句: 1.Though calling it a local deals business in a mega-city like Beijing, for example, is a little bit of a misnomer, Chao says. 赵克仁还称,在北京这样的超大型城市,将糯米称为“本地”商户折扣服务似乎有些用词不当。 2.and mega doses of drugs and LSD and all of that and I have no memory of any of that. 还有超大剂量的麻醉药、迷幻剂和所有那些然后我对此就没有记忆了。 3.The Da Vinci Code is a middling adventure game take on Dan Brown's mega-selling novel, but it does do at least a few things reasonably well. TheDaVinciCode是一款披着丹·布朗百万级销量小说外衣的中等品质冒险游戏,不过它至少有少数东西还是做的相当不错的。 4.Over the past seven years it has turned into a mega-event hosting big acts like the Flaming Lips and a crowd exceeding 50, 000. 而在过去的7年中,它已经逐渐成长为一举办大型音乐会的活动。如“烈焰红舌”乐队的音乐会人数就超过5万。 5.They found that the ejection is probably the result of two mega black holes merging as part of a galaxy-on-galaxy collision. 实验发现星系间的撞击使两个百万级别的黑洞融为一体,从而导致上述结果。
mega翻译:adj.巨大的;极佳的; mega造句 1、As for mega bonuses, well, what's the problem? 至于巨额奖金,嗯,这算什么问题? 2、You hook your car up toa mega transport system. 你钩到你的车一大型运输系统。 3、Chelsea are ready to launch a mega offer for Sevilla wing-back Daniel Alves. 切尔西目前正在准备再次提高报价来购买塞维利亚后卫阿尔维斯。 4、Our boss is a mega millionaire 我们的老板是亿万富翁。 5、DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS MEGA SPECIAL! 千万不要错过了对这个巨型特殊! 6、I just found out that your buds will throw you a mega birthday bash. 我刚刚才知道你的朋友准备给你开个盛大的生日舞会。 7、Take the fastest 3g network today, which can support a download speed of 21 mega bits per second. 拿如今最快的3G网络来说,它支持每秒21兆比特的下载速度。 8、The mega perforator can be used in an open hole to reduce formation damage. 大射孔器可在裸眼井中使用,以减小地层损害。 9、Of dangerous goods, mega -, excess cargo shipper clients Special note should be. 对危险物品,超大、超重货物发货人应向被委托人特别说明。 10、The song was a mega hit last year. 这首歌是去年最热门的歌曲。 11、Due to a mega dose of homework, I have to cancel out on a date 因为功课特多,我得取消我们今天晚上的约会。 12、Mega Game: Fascinating Puzzle Adventure with a little magician and mystic riddle stones. 和一个小魔术家和神秘的谜石头的迷人难题冒险。 13、GameSpy: Tell us about the "experimental" mega units in the game. 告诉我们游戏中的大型试验单位。 14、Can I view the UEFA Champions League Mega Pack outside Hong Kong territory? 能否在香港以外地方收看「欧洲联赛冠军?随时睇组合」内容? 15、μC/OS-Ⅱ, The Real-Time Kernel Port To AVR Mega MCU μC/OS-Ⅱ实时嵌入式操作系统在AVR mega系列MCU上的移植 16、One of the mega trends that are occurring. 其中有一个重要趋势正在发生。 17、Mega megalo Psychos related to our word psyche soul. 即是伟大的意思,Mega,megalo,与心灵,灵魂这些字有关,being,our,terms,for,great,and,psychos,高尚灵魂的人。