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I Was Made For Loving You - Ed Sheeran&Tori Kelly A dangerous plan Just this time A stranger's hand Clutched in mine I'll take this chance So call me blind I've been waiting All my life Please don't scar This young heart Just take my hand I was made for loving you Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do All I know is darling I was made for loving you Hold me close Through the night Don't let me go We'll be alright Touch my soul And hold it tight I've been waiting All my life I won't scar Your young heart Just take my hand Cause I was made for loving you Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do All I know is darling I was made for loving you Please Don't go I've been waiting so long Oh you don't even know me at all But I was made for loving you I was made for loving you Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do All I know is darling I was made for loving you



Trouble Is A Friend

Trouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh.
No Matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow, oh oh.
The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh.
Your fine for a while but then start to loose control.
He's there in the dark,
he's there in my heart,
he waits in the winds
he's gotta play a part.
Trouble is a friend,
yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh!

Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh.
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh.
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh.
So don't forget as you ease on down the road.
He's there in the dark,
he's there in my heart,
he waits in the winds
he's gotta play a part.
Trouble is a friend,
yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh!

So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.
I won't let him win, but im a sucker for his charm.
Trouble is a friend,
yeah trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh!
Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel.
And how I try to make him leave; I try.
Oh Oh I try!



> 米勒是华盛顿夏保福镇的一名大学生。在这个小镇上他遇到了自己高中时代的女友杰西。但是,他们已经不能像以前那样亲密无间了。因为,几年前米勒有过犯罪前科,杰西的父母反对杰西和米勒来往。不过,米勒已经有了自己的女朋友,莉迪亚。 晚上,当米勒去酒吧见小莉的时候,发现莉迪亚满脸是血,然后就瘫倒在地了。酒吧的人以为米勒是杀害莉迪亚的凶手,没有办法的米勒只好逃走了。米勒逃到了杰西的家中,开始杰西并不相信米勒的话,可是后来杰西渐渐地被米勒感动。原来,小镇的教堂里面封印着传说中的异虫。而一场大火意外地将封印的异虫放了出来。异虫先是在黑人消防员祖思体内繁殖,然后又转移到莉迪亚体内,接着再转移到医院救护员柏艾迪和杜斯泰警官体内。 知道事情真相的米勒和杰西立刻开始展开了行动,米勒负责追寻异虫的行踪,而杰西负责寻找消灭异虫的方法。杰西在洛保太太的家中找到了消灭异虫的方法,米勒也查到了异虫的行踪。异虫正在一个肥胖的摄影记者的体内繁殖,杰西和米勒联手将其逮住并用书上的方法将异虫杀死。小镇又恢复了往日的宁静,而经过这件事后杰西和米勒又恢复了以往的关系。



光速侠 (2006) 导演: Don E. FauntLeRoy编剧: 约翰·格雷类型: 动作 / 科幻制片国家/地区: 美国 光速侠的剧情简介 · · · · · ·   夜幕降临,某集团大厦内发生入侵事件,机动部队幽灵小组在丹尼尔·莱特(杰森·康纳利 Jason Connery 饰)的率领下潜入大厦,与犯罪分子展开激烈的交火。行动中,丹尼尔遭到拥有蛇皮的仇家袭击,大厦最终被炸得粉碎。原来袭击者名叫爱德华(Daniel Goddard 饰),是丹尼尔妻子安的弟弟。为了拯救被全身烧伤的姐姐,爱德华一直致力于干细胞皮肤再造的研究,实验眼看就要取得成果,结果却被政客切断资金,该事件也导致安不幸丧命。侥幸捡回一条命的丹尼尔被送入医院紧急接受治疗,但是爱德华并未打算饶了他,反而率领手下追踪至此。   令这个丧心病狂的恶魔想不到的是,他无意中将丹尼尔变成了拥有超人能力的光速侠…