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保定最贵的酒店应该是电谷锦江国际酒店,它也是保定为数不多的五星级酒店之一,位于贯通市区南北主干道的朝阳北大街北段,高新开发区的核心区域。地理位置不错,不在闹市区,挨着北二环,交通什么的都比较方便。 我是没住过,但是去过里面,整体装修大气奢华。在里面吃过自助餐,不算便宜,不过东西是很干净,挺上档次的,不知道现在还有没有,当时算是保定市最贵的自助餐了,感觉比浪味仙要好很多,可能也是因为我不太爱吃海鲜的缘故。 与其他几个五星级酒店对比,贵也贵不到哪去,行政套房也就一千五左右,虽说不太贵但是对于一般老百姓来说还是很奢侈的。 一般情况来说,一个地方最贵的酒店这个记录是会不断被刷新的。 就现在来看,保定最贵的酒店是: 这家酒店位于白洋淀周边,安新县(雄安新区)的境内,酒店最贵的别墅售价5000元/天,这家酒店前身是澳大利亚酒店管理集团雅阁旗下的雅阁璞邸精品酒店,后摘牌后由业主“京汉”自行管理。 另外我想再说一下保定城区最贵的酒店: 保定电谷前身是锦江管理的锦江电谷,后交由业主自行管理(搞不懂管理集团在保定为什么这么水土不服)。 保定电谷基础房在500左右,最高的房价1500/晚,算是市内价格最高的一家了。 另外顺带说一下,卓正国际酒店的价格和电谷相当,也是此消彼长的。



缘 聚 商 务 盛 典 悠 享 秀 兰 真 情


The best luxurious business hotel in Baoding city
XiuLan Hotel is a unique style of luxurious business hotel in Great Baoding Area, which is located on No.333 Lekai south st. in new district of historical Baoding city. The hotel is managed by the professional managers from Hongkong and Macao hotel management company.
The hotel has 298 largest, most sophisticated bedrooms in Baoding city, providing a serene retreat and an efficient private office with the latest amenities and high-tech communications. An unrivalled guest service commitment, and the outstanding culinary delights offered in banquet center which accommodates 600 persons, all come together at the XiuLan Hotel. Baoding is a developing city for business people, and the XiuLan is the ideal hotel venue for all business meetings and conferences. The grand style of the ballroom makes it an excellent venue for conferences and banquets. Guests of the XiuLan also have direct access to the hotel’s exclusive 3000 square meters and fitness sanctuary, providing luxurious spa, a stunning indoor pool and an equipment in its gymnasium, tennis court, bowling, night club, shopping center, cosmetic and hairdresser, game rooms travel service etc,.
Throughout, the hotel's luxurious warmth, imaginative cuisine and comprehensive, highly personalized service are the keys to Baoding’s most memorable gatherings.