- 1,郑秀晶个人资料
- 2,为什么少女时代杰西卡的人气那么高?
- 3,少女时代杰西卡和郑秀妍是同一个人吗?
- 4,jessica&krystal每一集简介
- 5,郑氏姐妹少女时代成员Jessica(郑秀妍)和f(x)成员Krystal(郑秀晶)英语介绍

语音播报,能听的百科! 立即收听 郑秀晶(Krystal),1994年10月24日出生于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山,韩国女歌手、演员,女子演唱组合f(x)成员。 2000年,6岁的郑秀晶被星探发掘。2006年,12岁的她正式进入SM公司成为旗下练习生。2009年郑秀晶以演唱组合f(x)成员出道,担任主唱及领舞职务。2010年首次出演电视剧《越看越可爱》,并凭此剧获得韩国MBC演艺大赏喜剧部门新人奖。2011年出演情景喜剧《high kick 3短腿的反击》。2013年在韩国SBS电视剧《继承者们》中饰演“李宝娜”。2014年6月与郑秀妍共同出演综艺节目《Jessica & Krystal》;同年9月在韩国SBS电视剧《对我而言,可爱的她》中饰演女主角“尹世娜”,凭此剧入围2014SBS演技大赏迷你剧部门女子优秀演技奖。2015年参演短篇电影《听见我的歌》,饰演一名顶级演员。同年凭借《对我而言,可爱的她》获得第51届百想艺术大赏TV部门女子人气赏。同年10月,确认出演中韩合拍电影《闭嘴!爱吧》。 中文名 郑秀晶 外文名 정수정,Jung Soo Jung,Chrystal,Krystal,크리스탈 别名 素囧、水晶 国籍 韩国、美国 星座 天蝎座 血型 A型 身高 165cm 体重 45kg 出生地 美国加利福尼亚州旧金山 出生日期 1994年10月24日 职业 歌手、演员 毕业院校 成均馆大学(就读中)、首尔翰林艺术高中(已毕业) 经纪公司 韩国SM娱乐有限公司 代表作品 《high kick 3》、《继承者们》、《对我而言,可爱的她》
郑秀妍(Jessica Jung),1989年4月18日出生于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山,韩国女歌手、演员、设计师。
2000年,郑秀妍与其母和妹妹郑秀晶在韩国逛街时被韩国SM娱乐有限公司发掘,成为其旗下练习生。2007年8月以演唱团体少女时代正式出道[1] ,亦是组合里训练时间最长的成员。2009年11月首次在音乐剧《金发尤物》中担任主角“艾莉·伍兹”;同年12月12日参与演唱韩国观光宣传歌曲《Seoul Song》[2] 。2012年首次以演员身份参演了《暴力罗曼史》,并演唱该剧的插入曲《怎能》;同年11月28日再次出演音乐剧《金发尤物》[3] 。2014年自创品牌BLANC&ECLARE[4] ;同年9月30日,郑秀妍的经纪公司宣布其因个人事业与少女时代的演艺事业相冲突而退出团体[5-6] ;10月16号,首次以设计师身份赴上海参加连卡佛开业一周年活动[7] 。2015年5月23日,郑秀妍在泰国曼谷举办个人FanMeeting
1水晶谈姐姐结婚落泪 无视高热量猛吃美食 2 郑氏姐妹互曝理想型 孝渊做客变吃货 3 姐妹浴室卸妆晒素颜 西卡帕尼友情告急 4 姐妹秀厨艺问题不断 粉丝签售会引骚动 5 西卡曝肚脐秘密 水晶透姐妹吵架先道歉 6 西卡逗萌娃遭揩油 水晶催婚宋茜逼嫁人 7 姐妹踏“我结”之旅 水晶劳累惹姐心疼 8 郑氏家中会粉丝 女饭围观姐妹“床戏” 9 姐妹露蛮腰展度假风 泳池戏水享受足疗 10 “郑氏夫妇”下车 感人画报墙惹泪奔
Jessica was born in San Francisco, California in the same hospital as her fellow Girls' Generation member Tiffany.While on vacation in South Korea, she and her sister were scouted in a shopping mall by S.M. Entertainment and joined the company in 2000. She spent seven years as a trainee before debuting as part of the Korean girl group Girls' Generation. Jessica attended Korea Kent Foreign School in her teenage years.
Her younger sister Krystal is a member of the Korean girl group f(x).
Krystal was born as Chrystal Soo Jung in San Francisco, California, where her family from South Korea settled in the 1980s. During a family trip to South Korea in early 2000, at the age of five, she and her older sister Jessica were spotted by talent agency S.M. Entertainment, which earned her a cameo appearance in Shinhwa's "Wedding March" music video. The agency saw potential in both Krystal and her sister and offered them singing and dancing lessons, opting to professionally train them in a singing career. However, the offer was turned down by her parents, reasoning that Krystal was too young. Therefore, her parents at first only allowed her older sister to join the agency, who debuted as a member of the girl group Girls' Generation. Since then, the Jung sisters have appeared together in many events.
In 2002, Krystal began appearing in television commercials. She first appeared in a Lotte commercial with Korean actress Han Ga In.
In 2006, her parents finally allowed her to join S.M. Entertainment, and the agency then enrolled her in dance classes, including jazz and ballet. Krystal was trained for 3 years before debuting as a part of f(x) in 2009.
In early April, Jessica and her sister Krystal were announced to have their own reality television show.Jessica & Krystal was premiered on June 3 and consisted of ten episodes. The show featured the daily lives of the sisters.
During one interview segment, the two sisters addressed their public "cold" image together. Jessica explained "The average person thinks of idols' bright images, but my sister and I tend to not have strong expressions. If I'm not so lively, other people could get in a bad mood or misunderstand. I wish they wouldn't think me as rough."
Jessica & Krystal takes the viewers behind the scenes, to unveil Jung Soo Yeon and Jung Soo Jung's normal, everyday life as sisters and friends. The use of the pair's Korean names implies that the viewers will be seeing an up-close and personal side of the two sisters, instead of their stage appearance as Jessica & Krystal. CJ E&MOnStyle's CP Kim Ji Wook stated, "The one-of-a-kind Jung sisters' real lifestyle will be unveiled. We ask that you show a lot of interest and anticipation for the reveal of the lovely sisters' private stories.
Jessica & Krystal, featuring Krystal and her sister, Jessica Jung, premiered on June 3 and consisted of 10 episodes. The show took on a more close-up and personal side of the two sisters, showing their affection towards one another, featuring their daily life activities, as well as never-before-seen footages.
During one interview segment, the two sisters addressed their public "cold" image together. Jessica explained "The average person thinks of idols' bright images, but my sister and I tend to not have strong expressions. If I'm not so lively, other people could misunderstand. I wish they wouldn't think me as rough." and Krystal added "I don't particularly want to explain. This is us, so what could we do?" They also expressed their sisterly bond, saying "If we didn't work in the same business, we wouldn't be this close...we understand each other more than anyone else. If we didn't have each other, it would have been difficult."