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孙燕姿是新加坡人。 孙燕姿(Stefanie Sun),1978年7月23日出生于新加坡,祖籍中国广东省潮州市,华语流行乐女歌手,毕业于南洋理工大学。 2008年7月,凭借歌曲《逆光》获得第六届中国金唱片奖音乐录影带奖;同年8月获得2008MTV亚洲大奖新加坡地区最受欢迎歌手奖。 人物评价 孙燕姿自2000年正式出道,就以极具个人特色的声线和演唱、简单清新的气质和独特的个性迅速走红,成为新世纪歌坛的一道曙光;她用音乐展示的是生活的真实与深刻,出道14年发行13张音乐专辑,总有一首歌与歌迷的青春对号入座。 孙燕姿以独特的嗓音和唱腔,扎实的音乐功底著称。她的歌积极向上、给人力量,个人风格明显,深受听众喜爱。


好的,我也是个姿迷。由我来回答吧。英文名叫stefanie sun.她的歌迷一般叫姿迷,燕窝。姿迷叫她老大,等等,昵称燕姿也很多。

生日1978年7月23日。因为排行老二,即“次女”,所以其父取名为“姿”,两千年出道,三年六张专辑,《孙燕姿》《我要的幸福》《风筝》《start自选集》《leave》《未完成》其后发行《the moment》后隐退,零四年以专辑《stefanie》付出,又有专辑《完美的一天》,其后直到零七年才发行另一专辑《逆光》。现在正忙于巡回演唱会——the answer is,场场火爆。



Stefanie Sun

英文名:Stefanie Sun












一个认为学琴跟学搏击 是一样重要的女生






回答者:without281 - 童生 一级 12-17 21:01


回答者:没名堂 - 高级魔法师 六级 12-17 22:45


She is Stefanie Sun (Yan Zi)
First piano lesson at 5
First stage performance at 10
First taste of romance at 19
First time she discovers she can express her feelings
Through her songs at 22.
Just like any other girls
The only unique thing is:

There is no other 22-year-old female who sings like her.

Her fresh-face look captivated 3 major advertisers in Taiwan
The new millennium's most dazzling new TV commercial star
First, there was the "Chung Hwa Mobile Network Service" TV commercial. She turned heads, and had them hooked onto the screen. It was not long before everyone was asking, "Who's that girl?" 22-year-old Stefanie Sun Yan Zi's debut appearance on Taiwan's TV commercial was simply Warner Music's way of letting the fresh face artist dip her toes in the pool, boosting her courage in public appearance. Nothing too ambitious.

Still, the advertisers kept coming back.

And so there was "Carefree Feminine Pad" TV commercial, Undoubtedly an even more perfect showcase of her fresh appeal. She had a unique dazzle that outshone the other models. The audience noted. Soon Warner Music's best kept secret was out.

The message "She's Warner Music's brand new artist" spread like wildfire across the internet. Of course, they first noticed Yan Zi's natural beauty, a combination of freshness and sweetness.

But it was not till "Subaru" car TV commercial that they discovered her unique attitude. It had been a long time since a young female took on the role of a spokesperson for a cross-country sports car. When Subaru Impreza launched their multi-million dollar "Woman With Attitude" TV campaign in June with a bang, Yan Zi had without a shadow of doubt become the talk of town in Taiwan.

Beyond beauty is substance
A girl who takes her kickboxing just as seriously as her piano lessons
When she was five, Yan Zi's father told her, "A person should always excel at something in this life, so that he or she would have something to do in his or her past time." And so she chose piano as her best companion in life.

And then she took up kickboxing because she felt that she was thin, and wanted to tone up.

Like all young female pianists who let the keys speak their growing up pains and emotions, all because of romance at an early age who turn her mood indigoes into songs.

Perhaps you can say that Yan Zi is insatiable. Because she learns how to be independent and to denfd herself from kickboxing. And because she says that when a girl loves a guy, it should be all for love, not for his security.

Yan Zi's father did not think that his daughter would choose to be good at two things in her life.

As for good voice, she is naturally blessed with his wonderful gift.

Beyond substance is charm
The charm that feeds off fire and water
Stefanie caught Warner Music's eyes when she visited Sammi Cheng at Li Shih Shiong's recording studio. She seemed like any normal girl with wide-eyed curiosity in her eyes.

Thus began Warner Music's one year wooing of Yan Zi. The courtship of Yan Zi had not been easy. Admitted, several strong rival companies were in hot pursuit of Yan Zi too.

Meanwhile, Yan Zi and her father, a lecturer at the Singapore Nanyang Technological University (NTU), held on to a simple belief. If she was to focus on singing well, she would first have to focus on finishing her university education.

Warner Music did not have to think twice and supported their decision. It was a worthwhile wait for such a special and talented artist.

Yan Zi's debut album should have been out last October. Warner Music had not signed a new artist for two years and we held on to the philosophy that quality music needs quality time to produce.

Yan Zi has a unique quality: one instance she can be cool as ice and the next, she can torch herself to cinder by her explosive emotions. Nobody can find no other more appropriate words to describe her except for Fire and Ice together.

Besides charm... There are the magnificent duos
Not just one but two set of twins
All great music starts with good musicians.

But not all albums backed by good musicians deliver great music.

Let us put it in a more interesting way:

There has never been an album to have been produced and written by 2 sets of incredibly talented twins under such intense competition and strict supervision.
They are none other than Taiwan's Bao Brothers (Bao Xiaosong and Bao Xiaobo) and Singapore's Li Brothers (Li Shih Shiong and Li Wei Shiong), who are all top-notch and critically acclaimed producers in their own rights.
Leading a group of equally great composers and lyricists, they have crafted music that pays tribute to the equally magnificent voice of Sun Yan Zi.
You can try to ignore her pertty face, but you can never ignore her talent and beautiful voice.