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Lang Lang: Piano Prodigy
Chinese Musician May Be Best Pianist Of His Generation

(CBS) On a recent night in Hong Kong, Lang Lang captivated the sold-out house as he always does. All eyes were on center stage.

He's more than a mere virtuoso with elastic hands and dazzling dexterity. And he's more than just a supremely talented musician. Lang Lang is also a showman.

As Correspondent Bob Simon reports, Lang Lang is a spellbinding performer with a flair for drama –- strutting, swooning, and wrapping the crowd around his 10 nimble fingers.

"I love the audience, because I love the tension there. Because it seems like a lot of people watching, I mean, the creation of this wonderful work," says Lang Lang. "And then you are at the same time the interpreter. It's like building a bridge to their heart."

If Lang Lang sounds a little dreamy, he often plays that way too, with his eyes closed, head back, cast in a musical trance.

"Every time I play, I try to see the images. For example, I see something. I can see beautiful forest and everything's green," he says.

Lang Lang’s not the only one who sees green. So does his record company, which has hyped him like a rock star. Part Mozart, part MTV, they’re counting on Lang Lang to bring in a new generation of fans.

He embraces the limelight as he embraces everything – eagerly, and with a boyish enthusiasm, as Simon found out when they sifted through the delicacies at a Beijing street market.

"I think this animal can play really good piano," says Lang Lang, looking at an octopus.

Lang Lang’s mind is never very far from his music, which helps when you’re working with the best in the business -- as he did on a remarkable recording with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and maestro Daniel Barenboim.

"I can't describe him as a pianist, because you will only hear in my sentence the jealousy that I and all his colleagues feel," says Barenboim. "I'm sure he didn't show you, but you know, he has 11 fingers. He plays the piano like a cat with 11 fingers."

Lang Lang’s acrobatic mastery of the keyboard is undisputed. But some critics find his showy style indulgent, and say those dreamy swoons get in the way of the music.

"There's something about Lang Lang's playing now where he calls attention to himself, to his own feelings. He’s like a hammy actor," says Anthony Tommasini, chief classical music critic for The New York Times.

He skewered Lang Lang in a ruthless review, calling his playing "slam bang crass."

Tommasini says, "I don't think it does Lang Lang any good to have his very powerful record company promoting him the way it is right now: 'The future of classical music has arrived, Deutsche Gramophone says. His name is Lang Lang.'

"That's a lot of pressure. People come to his concerts now expecting a catharsis, an epiphany, rather than a musical performance."

If it’s a catharsis they want, Lang Lang is more than happy to provide it.

Rachmaninoff’s 3rd Piano Concerto, with one of the most haunting themes in all of classical music, has become his signature piece.

"This piece has driven at least one pianist mad. You know about that," asks Simon.

"Yeah, it drives me crazy," says Lang Lang, laughing.

"Rachmaninoff was this tortured Russian. And here you are...this very young Chinese man, who seems to be full of life and full of optimism, and full of happiness," says Simon. "How can you relate to this music?"

"I think when you play any piece, you are not you anymore," Lang Lang responded. "You are totally into the world of the composer's mind."

Prodigies have a way of silencing the skeptics, and wowing the crowds. Barely out of his teens, Lang Lang has arrived as an overnight sensation -- 22 years in the making.

What distinguishes him from the large number of very talented pianists? "I started early," he says.

Lang Lang began formal lessons when he was 3. At 5, barely able to reach the pedals, he was making Mozart look like child’s play. And if you’re wondering who raised such a boy, you’ve got to follow Lang Lang to the northern Chinese city of Shenyang.

Shenyang is Lang Lang’s hometown, an old, overcrowded industrial city. But for China, not unprosperous. Like so much of the country, it’s poised somewhere between its past, and its future. It’s where 60 Minutes found Lang Lang’s parents.

His father says he decided that Lang Lang was going to be an international star at the age of 2. "We planned to train him. When he was about 1 year old, I took him out on walks," recalls his father. "I would draw on the ground and teach him the musical scale. So it was like, today, he would learn 'Doh.' Tomorrow, he would learn 'Re' -– 'Doh, Re, Mi.'"

Lang Lang’s father spent half his yearly salary – $300 – and bought his son a piano when he was a toddler. In fact, Lang Lang’s destiny was conceived not long after he was. His mother played classical music to him while he was still in her womb.

She said she wanted to become a performer herself: "When I was young, that was my dream."

Lang Lang's mother wanted to be a professional dancer; his father hoped to travel the world as a musician. But their ambitions died an untimely death when they became victims of China’s cultural revolution. Jobs weren’t chosen; they were assigned. And so, like a generation of mothers and fathers living under China’s one-child policy, they sacrificed everything and placed their dreams into the hands of their only hope.

It's a lot of responsibility, but Lang Lang says he "didn't feel the pressure at that time."

"I really didn't," he says. "Because I thought, I mean, I always played really good. And always got the first prize."

Lang Lang may have been the prodigy in his hometown of Shenyang, but if you want to play on the world stage, you’ve got to get out of town first.

When he was just 8, Lang Lang’s parents, who were very happily married, decided to split up just for their son. His mother stayed home in Shenyang, and his father quit his job and took his boy to Beijing so Lang Lang could study in the finest music academy in China.

Their sacrifice paid off. Lang Lang was a standout at the Beijing Conservatory and, at 13, he won the International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians. But a child doesn’t leave his mother without leaving a few scars, too.

She remembers saying goodbye to her son. "At the time, Lang Lang was very small. It was very hard to say goodbye to him. I can never forget. His mouth was quivering, and then he and I both started up," she recalls. "He cried and I cried. But for his work, for the piano that he loves so much, I let him go."

Lang Lang said goodbye not just to his mother, but also to the comfortable life he lead in Shenyang. In Beijing, he and his father lived for six years in a dingy, unheated apartment, sharing a bathroom with three other families. Was it a painful move? Obviously. But his parents knew that an even bigger move was inevitable.

"You know since you play piano and classical music, this is the road," says Lang Lang, who, at 15, followed that road to America.

He moved with his father to Philadelphia, where he’d won a music scholarship. Then, he received his big break. He was tapped as a last-minute replacement at Chicago’s summer music festival. At 17, Lang Lang found himself being introduced by the legendary violinist Isaac Stern.

"I thought play the best in my life at that time. Absolutely the best," recalls Lang Lang. "They all jumped right after the last note. And I had some good reaction before, but never this kind of [reaction]."

It changed his life forever. International engagements came pouring in, and Lang Lang hasn’t looked back. He plays in 150 concerts a year. But the rewards are beyond measure. At 21, Lang Lang performed a rite of passage into the upper reaches of classical music – a solo debut at Carnegie Hall.

Not bad for a boy from Shenyang.

But our story doesn’t end there. Before the night was over, Lang Lang brought to the stage a special guest, someone who dreamed long ago of playing abroad. His father.

With his traditional Chinese fiddle, Lang Lang’s father accompanied his son in a finale, the likes of which Carnegie Hall had never heard before.

"I think a Chinese folk player, play with his son in Carnegie Hall. I think it's probably the most exciting thing in both of our lives," says Lang Lang.


Lang lang was born on the 14th of June ,1982 in Shenyang . He began to learn the piano with Professor Zhu Ya -Fen when he was 3 . At the ago of five , he won the Shenyang Piano Competition and played his first public recital . He entered Beijing's Central Music Conservatory in 1991 , and he won first prize in international youth competition pianist .
Lang lang is great Chinese pianist .


  1、柴可夫斯基 & 门德尔松钢琴协奏曲(Tchaikovsky, Mendelssohn: First Piano Concertos)
  2、拉赫玛尼诺夫第二钢琴协奏曲 & 帕格尼尼主题狂想曲(Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 2; Paganini Rhapsody)
  4、黄河之子(Dragon Songs)


我国著名钢琴家叫朗朗。 1982年6月14日郎朗出生于辽宁省沈阳市沈河区,中国钢琴演奏者,联合国和平使者,毕业于美国柯蒂斯音乐学院。 1999年8月14日,刚满17岁的郎朗参加美国芝加哥“拉维尼亚音乐节”世纪庆典明星音乐会,并演奏了《柴科夫斯基第一钢琴协奏曲》,从而开始了他的音乐演奏生涯。2001年,在人民大会堂进行100周年百年庆典巡演。2002年,获得伯恩斯坦艺术成就大奖。 2003年,推出个人钢琴演奏专辑《柴可夫斯基/门德尔松协奏曲名录》。2005年,在白宫举行个人专场独奏会。2006年,推出个人钢琴演奏专辑《黄河之子》。2008年,获得美国录音师协会颁发的“艺术荣誉奖”。2010年,获得国际门德尔松大奖,成为首位获得该奖项的中国人。 2011年,举行了“弗朗茨·李斯特诞辰200周年郎朗现场音乐会”。2013年,参加维也纳音乐厅100周年音乐季,并应邀举行了两场音乐会;同年,获得“全英古典音乐奖”年度国际艺术家奖;同年10月28日,在纽约联合国总部,联合国秘书长潘基文向郎朗授予了“联合国和平使者”称号 。 扩展资料: 郎朗的祖父当过师范学校的音乐教师,他的父亲郎国任是文艺兵,在部队里做过专业的二胡演员,退伍后进入沈阳市公安局工作,他的母亲周秀兰在中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所总机工作,负责整个总机房的维修、服务和转接。 郎朗在成长过程中,他的母亲周秀兰在长达8年的时光里,跟父子俩“分居”两地,独自“留守”沈阳,为郎朗的成长提供必需的经济保障;此外,父亲郎国任为了让郎朗练琴不分心,甚至不让母子相见,更有郎国任在极端失望与迷茫时对郎朗的暴烈。 郎朗与比其年小12岁的吉娜·爱丽丝(Gina Alice)相识于德国柏林,作为同行,两人有许多共同话题。2019年6月2日,郎朗晒出九张婚纱照,宣布已与德韩混血女钢琴演奏者吉娜·爱丽丝结婚,并在法国凡尔赛宫举办婚礼晚宴。


望采纳:母亲周秀兰   1982年6月14日,郎朗出生在辽宁省沈阳市沈河区(原大东区)一个充满音乐氛围的家庭。祖父曾经是师范学校的音乐教师,父亲郎国任是文艺兵,曾在部队里做过专业二胡演员,退伍后进入沈阳市公安局工作。母亲周秀兰能歌善舞,是学校的文艺骨干。在家庭环境的影响下,郎朗很小就对音乐产生了浓厚兴趣。   郎朗,1982年6月14日出生于辽宁省沈阳市沈河区,国际著名钢琴家。他是第一位受聘于世界顶级的柏林爱乐乐团和美国五大交响乐团的中国钢琴家,获得古典音乐类多项权威奖项,包括德国古典回声大奖,全英古典音乐奖,伯恩斯坦艺术成就大奖,国际门德尔松大奖等。曾在多个世界瞩目的海内外重要场合进行演出,包括北京奥林匹克运动会开幕式、中国国庆60周年庆祝晚会、中国2010年上海世界博览会开幕式、美国白宫、美国独立日庆祝活动、英女王钻禧庆典庆祝活动、法国国庆庆祝活动、新加坡国庆庆祝活动等。   2013年10月28日,联合国秘书长潘基文在纽约联合国总部为中国钢琴家郎朗佩戴上象征和平使者的胸针,任命郎朗为关注全球教育的联合国和平使者。郎朗成为联合国第12位和平使者,这是历史上最年轻的和平大使,也是第一位中国人成为和平大使。


郎朗,1982年6月14日出生于辽宁省沈阳市沈河区,毕业于美国柯蒂斯音乐学院。 1997年12月,郎朗与IMG经纪公司签约,开启了职业演出生涯。 1999年8月,参加美国芝加哥“拉维尼亚音乐节”世纪庆典明星音乐会,作为替补登台演奏。 2001年,在人民大会堂进行100周年百年庆典巡演。 2002年,获得伯恩斯坦艺术成就大奖。 2003年,推出个人钢琴演奏专辑《柴可夫斯基/门德尔松协奏曲名录》。 2005年,在白宫举行个人专场独奏会。 2006年,推出个人钢琴演奏专辑《黄河之子》。 2008年,获得美国录音师协会颁发的“艺术荣誉奖”。 2010年,获得国际门德尔松大奖,成为首位获得该奖项的中国人。 2011年,举行了“弗朗茨·李斯特诞辰200周年郎朗现场音乐会”。 2013年,参加维也纳音乐厅100周年音乐季,并应邀举行了两场音乐会。 2015年,凭借专辑《莫扎特》获得“德国古典回声大奖颁奖典礼”年度器乐演奏家大奖(钢琴类)。 2016年,推出首张个人跨界专辑《纽约狂想曲》。 2017年8月27日,获得亚洲新歌榜年度盛典音乐视频杰出贡献奖。 2019年,获得“法国胜利大奖”,成为首位中国获奖者。 扩展资料: 郎朗在成长过程中,他的母亲周秀兰在长达8年的时光里,跟父子俩“分居”两地,独自“留守”沈阳,为郎朗的成长提供必需的经济保障;此外,父亲郎国任为了让郎朗练琴不分心,甚至不让母子相见,更有郎国任在极端失望与迷茫时对郎朗的暴烈。 郎朗与比其年小12岁的吉娜·爱丽丝(GinaAlice)相识于德国柏林,作为同行,两人有许多共同话题。2019年6月2日,郎朗晒出九张婚纱照,宣布已与德韩混血女钢琴演奏者吉娜·爱丽丝结婚,并在法国凡尔赛宫举办婚礼晚宴。


郎朗,被誉为“第一国际钢琴巨星”,美国《纽约时报》称他为“当今古典星球最受追捧的艺术家,全世界观众的最爱”;法国《星期天日报》称他为“中国的莫扎特”;英国《泰晤士报》称他为“郎朗的旋风,历史地创举”;德国《世界报》称他为“当今世界最成功的钢琴家”;《华尔街日报》发出感叹:“如果郎朗是一支股票,我借钱也要买。”美国NBC电视台称他为“世界超级巨星”,德国国家电视台称他为“当今世界上最成功的钢琴家”;韩国KBS电视台称他为“中国诞生出的世界第一钢琴家”;日本朝日电视台称他为“最具世界影响力的钢琴家”,他被誉为“中国的名片”、“中国腾飞的符号”、“世界的郎朗,华人的骄傲”、“钢琴超人”、“钢琴魔法师”、一位“将改变世界的年轻人”……正如2008年8月8日,在举世瞩目的第29届北京奥林匹克运动会开幕式上,郎朗以一曲《星光》擦亮了全球四十亿观众的目光,郎朗本身也成为一道辉映东方和西方的灿烂星光,他正以今世罕见的音乐才华、热情奔放的阳光性格和自强不息的奋斗精神,在世界各地被广为传扬。 迄今为止,在许多重要的场合或历史的时刻,都会荡漾起郎朗的琴声!除了奥运开幕,2007年6月30日,在香港会展中心举行的“庆祝香港回归祖国十周年”大型文艺晚会上,郎朗作为“国宝级”钢琴家演奏了激情澎湃“黄河”协奏曲。同年10月2日,郎朗和父亲郎国任先生在特奥会开幕式上演奏《赛马》,别开生面,场面热烈而温馨,令现场气氛达到高潮。在2009年10月1日中华人民共和国建国六十年天安门庆典晚会上,郎朗激情演奏一曲《今天是你的生日我的中国》,在10月13日世界最大规模的法兰克福书展中国主宾国开幕音乐会上,郎朗又把钢琴协奏曲《黄河》带上了国际舞台,他被称为了“演奏黄河钢琴协奏曲的新一代代言人”。10月23日,郎朗应邀出席在纽约联合国总部举行的“联合国日”中为和平而奏”。12月10日,在诺贝尔和平奖颁奖典礼和次日的诺贝尔和平奖音乐会上,郎朗数度上台为世界和平献上最优美的琴声。2010年1月,在波兰举办的“纪念肖邦诞辰二百周年音乐年”开幕式上,郎朗作为全世界唯一被邀请的钢琴家演奏了肖邦的经典作品《第二钢琴协奏曲》,并受到波兰总统的亲切接见,波兰第一大报《波兰共和国报》在头版发表评论,称他为“一个长着中国眼睛的肖邦”。同月,世界达沃斯经济论坛为郎朗颁发了“水晶大奖”,美国前总统克林顿亲临现场祝贺,并称赞郎朗为“爱心大使”。同年4月30日在上海世博会开幕式上,郎朗作为“上海世博会形象大使”,演奏了一首辉煌壮丽的《江河情缘》,再次星光璀璨,7月2日郎朗又敲响了纽约纳斯达克开市的钟声,并当场演讲,宣传世博,紧接着在纽约中央公园举行的音乐会上以《蓝色狂想曲》,为中国喝彩。本年度,他又成为了深圳“第26届世界大学生运动会形象大使”。同年6月12日,郎朗在门德尔松的故乡莱比锡获得了门德尔松艺术成就大奖,这是中国人首次获得此项殊荣。 他是第一位在香港“红馆”和台北“小巨蛋”举行独奏音乐会的古典音乐家,并创下万人票房的纪录。他的演奏会长期在世界各地的票房雄踞第一。从2001到2010年,郎朗平均每年世界巡演约120场到140场,并在所有的重要音乐厅、音乐节的开幕音乐会上演奏,征服了世界古典乐坛。2001年4月,郎朗纽约卡内基音乐大厅首演,门票一扫而空。2006年6月24日,郎朗再次在卡内基音乐大厅举办独奏音乐会,主办方甚至不得不发售几十年没有过的舞台加座票。这场演出堪称世界钢琴演奏史上里程碑式的事件。多年来,与郎朗合作过的著名指挥家有:巴伦伯依姆、祖宾?梅塔、西蒙?拉托、马泽尔、穆蒂、詹姆斯?莱文、艾森巴赫、小泽征尔、木斯特、萨瓦利什、捷米尔卡诺夫、克林?戴维斯、迪图瓦、托马斯、贾维、捷吉耶夫、杨松斯、余隆等。