1,Paul Allen的英文简介150字左右~急!
Paulo Aylen (Paul Allen) because altogether creates Microsoft with Bill Gates but to become rich. Some people said that, he also has the money compared to God, but Gates is richer than him. A while ago, this super rich and powerful people will make an appearance in New Orleans, discuss the American wire communication service the future. But other all people want to discuss the topic is this 100.01 million wealthy men's new ship actually. Aylen's new ship name for the octopus (Octopus), the span 125 meters, is equal to the English-type soccer location size, is in the world the biggest private ships, has may supply two helicopters rises and falls the fluctuation level ground, in the ship also to have long to reach 18 meters landing crafts. It strikingly anchors in Mississippi river shore, has attracted in groups passing tourist.
Aylen Mr. recently continuously by might and main is spending. The field observer forecast that, he has spent 200 million US dollars purchases octopuses number at least, moreover, for causes it to float in the water surface, he every year also extra expenditure number million US dollars, only is the fuel tank refuels then wants to spend approximately 250,000 US dollars. According to "Forbes" the magazine forecast that, Aylen has 21 billion US dollars oneself approximately, is the high tech profession second big rich and powerful people, buys so the pleasure boat naturally.
Paul Gardner Allen (January 21, 1953 -), American entrepreneur, who founded Microsoft with Bill Gates's predecessor. He is considered the world's richest one, to 2006, he ranked sixth in Forbes magazine, with assets of about 22.7 billion U.S. dollars, of which 50 billion is Microsoft stock. He is Chairman of Charter Communications, DreamWorks shareholders. Recently he was invited to join the Society of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS). Allen owns two professional sports teams: the Seattle Seahawks and the United States Football Association NBA's Portland Trail Blazers. Now he lives in Mercer Island, Washington state.
Name (Chinese): Paul Allen •
Name (English): Paul Allen
Institutions and functions: Vulcan Ventures founder, Chairman
Date of birth: January 21, 1953
Country of birth, location: Seattle
Education: Graduated from Washington State University
Professional Background: Founder succession Starwave, Asymetrix and other companies
Paul Allen Introduction
Paul Allen was born in 1953 in Seattle, Washington, is deputy director of the University of Washington Kenneth S. Allen Library and Faye G. Allen's son. Allen studied at a famous private school in Seattle Lake Secondary School (Lakeside School), where he met two younger than he, but equally obsessed with Bill Gates on the computer.Together they dominated the shore only a secondary micro-computer. In order to gain more computing power, Allen and Gates sneaking into the University of Washington computer labs. Although the event was finally revealed, but they reached an agreement with management to provide computer support services to students as compensation.Admission to secondary school graduation Hou Ailun Washington State University, was a Phi Kappa Theta fraternity's active members. In order to achieve the dream for the preparation of commercial software, two years after he dropped out of school, and later from the Harvard dropout Bill Gates and founded Microsoft.
He founded Microsoft with Bill Gates's predecessor. He is considered the world's richest people, one to 2006, he ranked sixth in Forbes magazine, with assets of about 22.7 billion U.S. dollars, of which 50 billion is Microsoft stock. He is Chairman of Charter Communications, DreamWorks shareholders. Recently he was invited to join the Society of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS). Allen owns two professional sports teams: the Seattle Seahawks and the United States Football Association NBA's Portland Trail Blazers. Now he lives in Mercer Island, Washington state.
Career and philanthropy
In 1986, the founder of Vulcan Ventures investment company
保罗·艾伦(Paul Allen),生于1953年1月21日,美国企业家,与比尔·盖茨创立了微软公司的前身。现任Vulcan Inc.的创始人和主席。他是世界上最富有的人之一,到2006年,他在福布斯杂志排名第六,拥有资产大约227亿美元,其中50亿是微软股票。同时他是Charter Communications主席,梦工厂股东,还拥有NFL的西雅图海鹰队和NBA的波特兰开拓者队。
他们首先便尝试为第一台微型计算机Altair编写一种被称为Basic的程序语言。1975年,Basic语言在Altair计算机上取得成功,艾伦也因此被麻省理工学院聘请为?了苹果Ⅱ型个人电脑和Radio Shake公司的TRS-80电脑上。而艾伦与盖茨共同创办的微软公司也在这一年(1975年)成立。当艾伦作主用5万美元买下QDOS操作系统后,他们终于赢得了与IBM合作的机会。几年后,DOS操作系统成为了个人电脑的首选,个人电脑时代也由此拉开了序幕。
一年后,重获健康的艾伦基本不再过问微软的事务,只在董事会留了个职务并拥有28%的股份。从这年起,他开始了自己广泛的投资行动。从最初成立的Asymetrix软件公司、Sum Total System公司到最近的Vulcan投资公司,他所投资的金额超过数十亿美元,像ESPN、梦工厂、外星生物研究所、人脑科学院、NBA球队、房地产、博物馆,包括去年的私人航天计划等都接受过他的投资。此外,他还热衷于公益和慈善事业。