The game was invented in ancient China more than 2,500 years ago, and is therefore believed to be the oldest board game continuously played today.[2][3] It was considered one of the four essential arts of the cultured aristocratic Chinese scholar caste in antiquity. The earliest written reference to the game is generally recognized as the historical annal Zuo Zhuan[4][5] (c. 4th century BCE).[6] The modern game of Go as we know it was formalized in Japan in the 15th century CE.
Despite its relatively simple rules, Go is very complex, even more so than chess, and possesses more possibilities than the total number of atoms in the visible universe. Compared to chess, Go has both a larger board with more scope for play and longer games, and, on average, many more alternatives to consider per move.[7]
The playing pieces are called stones. One player uses the white stones and the other, black. The players take turns placing the stones on the vacant intersections (named "points") of a board with a 19×19 grid of lines. Beginners often play on smaller 9×9 and 13×13 boards,[8] and archaeological evidence shows that the game was once played on a 17×17 grid. However, boards with a 19×19 grid had become standard by the time the game had reached what was then the Imperial Chinese Tributary State of Korea in the 5th century CE and later to what was then the Imperial Chinese Tributary State of Japan in the 7th century CE.[9]
围棋起源于中国。它比象棋出现得更早,至少已有2500多年的历史,是世界上最古老的棋类。在古代,帝王将相、文人学士、才人淑女都喜爱这种棋艺。 围棋的棋盘面由纵横的19条交叉线组成,构成361个交叉点,棋子就下在这些交叉点上。围棋棋子分黑白两色,各有180枚。围棋对弈,千变万化,紧张激烈。双方动用各种技术、战术攻击对方,非常富有战斗性。由于围棋奥妙无穷,古人曾经夸张地说,只有神仙才能发明它。 围棋是一种智力型运动,学围棋既可锻炼提高人们的逻辑思维能力,又能陶冶性情,培养人们顽强、冷静、沉着的性格。因此,它越来越受到现代人的欢迎。 隋唐时期,围棋传到日本,19世纪时又传到欧洲。现在,世界上已有40多个国家和地区开展了围棋运动。其中,以中国、日本、韩国的围棋运动水平最高。中国的围棋选手聂卫平、马晓春等,都是国际著名的选手。围棋已发展成为一种重要的国际体育竞赛项目。 扩展资料 围棋在古代颇为风行,不管帝王将相,还是平民百姓,都常以弈为尚。春秋战国出现了像“弈秋”这样的围棋高手,可谓围棋的鼻祖。春秋时,围棋理论逐渐形成,对于围棋发展起了重要作用。 三国时,围棋出现了大发展的局面,涌现出大批围棋高手。由于社会贤达的喜爱和注意,这个时期出现了一些有关围棋的专著。魏末晋初,兴玄学,作为娱乐工具的围棋也风靡一时。南北朝时围棋在宫廷中受宠,刘宋时曾举行全国性的围棋比赛,选拔出278位围棋高手。 宋明帝在位时还给棋家设置官署,授以俸禄,梁武帝萧衍就亲自撰写过《棋经》,我国现存最早的围棋著作是从敦煌石室发现的北周时期的手抄本《棋经》,记载了当时的围棋规则和棋艺。 唐时,围棋有了空前发展,唐玄宗为棋手们设置了官阶九品的“棋待制”,使棋手成为国家的高级文职官员,从而促使围棋在更大更广的范围内得到迅速发展。南宋更是出现了有理论、有经验、有指导的系统围棋著作《忘忧清乐集》。 明朝,围棋高手辈出,女棋手薛素素颇负盛名。清王朝的前期,也是中国围棋高手辈出的时代。黄龙士、徐星友、施襄夏、范西屏的棋艺至今仍为中外人士称道。但是到了清道光年间,由于帝国主义入侵,清朝政府的腐败,经济文化衰退,围棋的命运也日益艰难,这是围棋史上最衰退的时期。 这种情况直到新中国建立后才得以恢复,当代棋圣聂卫平以一己之力,数次打败日本超一流高手,撼动了日本的霸主地位,在这崛起的关键时期,被曹薰铉统治的韩国围棋界阻击了。 参考资料来源;百度百科-围棋 (国际通行棋种)
the game of go.
The game of go is one kind of chess game which is popular widespread thoughout the world. Two parties with their own colour black and white respectively comprise a sence of the game. In general, The two side of which surround another side or eat most chessman of the other side can be called the winner.
The game of go is not only a chess game which has a long glorious history but also a game which full of tremandance dynanmic. Careful thought ,flexiable statagem,calm mind are the crucial secreat recipe of the winner. The winner of the game is not only the simbolize of the wisdom and talent which receive others respect and appreciation but also an embodiment of the profound thought and present wit which was strive for and persure for the life time
It is form china where the game oriented and carried forward to all the people in the globle. From the evening of the Tang dynasty ,the chinese people invented and begin to play this game widely .Afterward , it was gradually come down and be recognized and accepted by all the people on earth .
Nowdays, more and more teenagers engages in this games and persue upon the personal intellective advancement according to the study of this game . wish this game have the prosperious future from the bottom of my heart !
围棋的英文:Go 参考例句: The Go contest among Chinese, Japanese and ROK players中日韩围棋擂台赛 A Japanese game for two, played with counters on a board that is ruled with19 vertical and19 horizontal lines围棋日本的一种两人棋戏,用棋子在一横竖皆有十九条交叉线的棋盘上下 So Baoyu was left to amuse himself with the other maids at dice or draughts.因此,宝玉只和众丫头们掷骰子赶围棋作戏。 Weiqi or go is a traditional Chinese chess game. It is played with black and white pieces on a board of 361 crosses.围棋是传统的中国棋类项目,棋盘有361个交叉点,分黑白子比赛。 希望能够帮助到你,望采纳!!!
围棋:go或者the game of go; 下围棋:Go go或play the game of go或play go。 扩展资料 围棋,是一种策略性两人棋类游戏,中国古时称“弈”,西方名称“Go”。流行于东亚国家(中、日、韩、朝),属琴棋书画四艺之一。围棋起源于中国,传为帝尧所作,春秋战国时期即有记载。隋唐时经朝鲜传入日本,流传到欧美各国。围棋蕴含着中华文化的丰富内涵,它是中国文化与文明的体现。 围棋使用方形格状棋盘及黑白二色圆形棋子进行对弈,棋盘上有纵横各19条线段将棋盘分成361个交叉点,棋子走在交叉点上,双方交替行棋,落子后不能移动,以围地多者为胜。因为黑方先走占了便宜,所以人为规定黑方局终时要给白方贴子。 参考资料 围棋_百度百科
围棋英文:Go/Weiqi 示例: 1、Go:Andthis reminds me of the difference between chess and the Chinese game of go. 这使我想起了国际象棋和中国围棋的区别。 2、Weiqi:Weiqi is popular in three Asian countries, namely china, Korea and japan. 围棋在亚洲三个国家流行,它们分别是中国、韩国和日本。 扩展资料 围棋的别名有:弈、坐隐、方圆、乌鹭、手谈、纹枰等。起源于中国,中国古代称为“弈”,可以说是棋类之鼻祖,围棋至今已有4000多年的历史。 围棋起源于中国,传为帝尧所作,春秋战国时期即有记载。隋唐时经朝鲜传入日本,流传到欧美各国。围棋蕴含着中华文化的丰富内涵,它是中国文化与文明的体现。 棋子分黑白两色。多为扁圆形(也有双面突起的应氏棋子)。棋子的数量以黑白子各180个为宜(参见中国围棋规则(2002版))。棋子呈圆形。中国一般使用一面平、一面凸的棋子,日本则常用两面凸的棋子。 参考资料来源:百度百科-围棋