- 1,Shwayze的《Buzzin'》 歌词
- 2,Shwayze的《Mary Jane》 歌词
- 3,求一首歌,我记得是一个男的唱的,然后歌词里面有。。的angel.比较柔情的歌曲求歌名
- 4,国际大牌服装有哪些
- 5,中国的服饰的特点是什么?
1,Shwayze的《Buzzin'》 歌词
歌曲名:Buzzin' 歌手:Shwayze 专辑:The Dome Vol.47 Shawyze - Buzzin' (Album) I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. And she kept lookin' at me like she knew who I was. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me like she fell in love. Bang bang baby shot me in the heart, in the dark, with the ???? of the spark when it hit. When we me at the spot it was hot, like this song saw the thong, it was on. Now it's 8 in the mornin' I move on like the Greyhound bus I go town to town and I prey on sluts. I got to go, so scream out your area code. I'm comin' all the way live from the 310! I gotta whole lot of love but none like you. You make me wanna stay here in heaven with you. I'll write your name in the sand, put your hand with mine. Come on baby, shoot your gun in the sky! I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. And she kept lookin' at me like she knew who I was. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me like she fell in love. Bang bang baby hit me one time, two days on the road and you're still on my mind. You'd think that I would learn 'cause I'm young and fine But I'm broke, so I'm tryin' to make a hustle out of rhyme. I gotta see the world one girl at a time, but you're hangin' on my sleeve like I care that you're cryin' and I do I'm just tryin' to play it cool I got a rep to protect, down at the high school. Why you tryin' to cage me in and when I leave we both know that you'll be pagin' him and when I come back we gonn' do it again. I promise we gonn' do it again. I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. And she kept lookin' at me like she knew who I was. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me like she fell in love. Bang bang, I wanna give you my name but I'm tryin' to put some diamonds in my Shwayze chain. Babies change, they start showin' them thangs tryin' to take a ride on those crazy trains. Choo choo. What the hell am I to do? I got a girl in every city from here to Peru. When I left you, I saw my name on your left boob now go get that tattoed, I'll be back soon. Don't cry, I'll bless you with a text soon. I gotta go, but I'll be back next June. Or July. Sparks in the sky. She said, 'Boy you crazy.' Nah, I'm Shwayze. I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. And she kept lookin' at me like she knew who I was. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me like she fell in love. And I don't know what she was on. Whatever it was, I want some. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me like she fell in love. http://music.baidu.com/song/59365937
2,Shwayze的《Mary Jane》 歌词
歌曲名:Mary Jane 歌手:Shwayze 专辑:Shwayze-(Advance) Her name was Mary Jane, She sang, like Eda James, She came and went to easily. And it's strange, how times are changed, I seen Mary yesterday, and she, Don't look the same to me. Baby what's the word? I aint trying to kill your mockingbird. I got scared and i started walking backwards. And after i got home alone, I couldn't stop drunk dialing your cellular phone. And when you don't pick up, your hang up hurts. I know i got caught with my hand up her skirt. I'm into sandals with the candle light romance, I go to itunes, to download your slow jams. Typhoon, with the Thunder clap. I fell in love with the girl in my summer class. She sat, right next to me, And she made me tell the truth like ecstasy. So, whoa, i gotta slow myself on down. I've been in love before. Her name was Mary Jane, She sang, like Eda James, She came and went to easily. And it's strange, how times are changed, I seen Mary yesterday, and she, Don't look the same to me. Baby we can be my mellow lil lady. Marijuana sunshine soul made crazy. Why go back and forth like a maybe? You and i can flow and say i love sailing. Light brown elleby on Chip and dale. Skin say i'm fat but i'm skinny as a rail. Pet snail, i got a freak on her knees. I need a little more made of the American Dream. I want her fired up, yea baby don't try to tie me up. I'm just not the type of guy that'd wanna lie to ya. And if you wanna try to fall in love, It's going to take a little time, And i won't budge for a minute now. You've got to slow yourself on down. I've been in love before. Her name was Mary Jane, She sang, like Eda James, She came and went to easily. And it's strange, how times are changed, I seen Mary yesterday, and she, Don't look the same to me. Well she arrived on an Astro plane. 6:45 on a Saturday. Just in time for the masquerade, Just in time for the masquerade. well she arrived in a limousine, 7:45 on a Sunday, Just in time to see: Me making love to her friend Marie. I said: Baby this aint what you think. Like i'm supposed to say that 'cause i've seen it on t.v. Then she ran out into the street. Why this has happened to me? No, got to slow myself on down. I know where this is going now. I've been in love before. Her name was Mary Jane, She sang, like Eda James, She came and went to easily. And it's strange, how times are changed, I seen Mary yesterday, and she, Don't look the same to me. http://music.baidu.com/song/2213602
词:Lee chang hyun
曲:Hong ji yoo
Sweet dream. what's your name.
please don't go away.
don't go too far away.
i love this pain. i love this game
baby come in to my world.
一点 一点 像被 拖进 了逆境
努力挣扎 拚了命 想要挣脱它
整夜 守护 安抚 着我
告诉我 坚持信念
那个她 到底去了哪
微风 象一阵微风
融化我 坚硬无比的心
listen 是我在呼唤
불러 불러 불러 불러 불러봐(意译为)呼喊 呼喊 呼喊 呼喊 喊出来
Angel 你是我的magic
Angel 你是我的energy
就点燃我 唤醒我 Angel Angel
이내 가슴에 그대 바람이 불지.
내 품에 넌 보석이지.
진땀나는 순간순간이
살아 숨 쉬니까 미치겠지.
지금 이 시간이 멎도록
나만을 보도록 우리 둘만 남도록
무아지경에서 빌고 빌잖아.
떠나지 말라고.
痛苦 失落 犹豫 不觉
所有的 不安惶恐
一刹那 全都被带走
是你 彻底 改变 了我
让我的 世界变的 不再只剩 灰色
思念 在午夜十分
tell me 你要去哪里
불러 불러 불러 불러 불러봐
Angel 你是我的magic
Angel 你是我的energy
就点燃我 唤醒我 Angel Angel
不要只在 我昏睡的 时候才出现
让我分不清你是 现实还是梦
Angel 你是我的magic
Angel 你是我的energy
就点燃我 唤醒我 Angel
Angel 你是我的magic (너를 안고 세상을 얻고 깨어나는 아침이 와줄까.)
让梦想变得不在神秘 (Hey come to me. 나 몹시 나 네가 너무 탐이나.)
Angel 你是我的energy
就点燃我 唤醒我 Angel Angel
Angel Angel Angel Angel
내 것일 순 없을까.
내가 모두 훔쳐버릴 순 없을까.
그대 깊은 눈 속에 살 수는 없을까.
그대 등 뒤로 뻗는 손길이
혼란 속에 엉킨 시간이
그대 몸을 묶어 주리니.
Baby come in to my world.
路易.威登、爱马仕、普拉达、范思哲、古奇等。 1、路易.威登 路易威登于1854年成立于法国巴黎,从皇室御用到顶级工艺作坊,路易威登的种种经典设计顺应了旅行历史的重要发展。 2、爱马仕 爱马仕(HERMÈS)是世界著名的奢侈品品牌,1837年由ThierryHermès创立于法国巴黎,早年以制造高级马具起家,迄今已有170多年的悠久历史。 3、普拉达 意大利品牌Prada于1913年在米兰创建。Miuccia Prada的独特天赋在于对新创意的不懈追求,融合了对知识的好奇心和文化兴趣,从而开辟了先驱之路。 4、范思哲 范思哲创立于1978年,品牌标志是神话中的蛇发女妖美杜莎(Medusa),代表着致命的吸引力。来自意大利知名的奢侈品牌范思哲(Versace)创造了一个独特的时尚帝国,代表着一个品牌家族。 5、古奇 Gucci,意大利时装品牌,由古驰奥·古驰在1921年于意大利佛罗伦萨创办。古驰的产品包括时装、皮具、皮鞋、手表、领带、丝巾、香水、家居用品及宠物用品等,中文译作古驰。
1、春秋战国时期 的衣着,上层人物的宽博、下层社会的窄小,已成为趋势。深衣有将身体深藏之意,是士大夫阶层居家的便服,又是庶人百姓的礼服,男女通用,可能形成于春秋战国之交。深衣剪彩独特,衣与衫相连在一起,制作时上下分裁,中间有缝相连接,用途最为广泛,隆重程度仅次于朝祭之服。 公元前307年赵武灵王颁胡服令,推行“胡服骑射”。胡服指当时“胡人”的服饰,与中原地区宽衣博带的服装有较大差异,特征是衣长齐膝,腰束郭洛带,用带钩,穿靴,便于骑射活动。 2、秦汉时期 衣料较春秋战国时期丰富,深衣也得到了新的发展。西汉建元三年(公元前138)、元狩四年(公元前119),张骞奉命两次出使西域,开辟了中国与西方各国的陆路通道,成千上万匹丝绸源源外运,历魏晋隋唐,迄未中断,史称“丝绸之路”。于是,中华服饰文化传往世界。 3、隋唐时期 中国由分裂而统一,由战乱而稳定,经济文化繁荣,服饰的发展无论衣料还是衣式,都呈现出一派空前灿烂的景象。隋唐时期最时兴的女子衣着是襦裙,襦裙是唐代妇女的主要服式。在隋代及初唐时期,妇女的短襦都用小袖,下着紧身长裙,裙腰高系,一般都在腰部以上。 有的甚至系在腋下,并以丝带系扎,给人一种俏丽修长的感觉。中唐时期的襦裙的比初唐的较宽阔一些,其它无太大变化。隋唐女子好打扮。从宫廷传开的“半臂”,有对襟、套头、翻领或无领式样,袖长齐肘,身长及腰,以小带子当胸结住。因领口宽大,穿时袒露上胸。 半臂历久不衰,后来男子也有穿着的。当时还流行长巾子,系用银花或金银粉绘花的薄纱罗制作,一端固定在半臂的胸带上,再披搭肩上,旋绕于手臂间,名曰披帛。女装男性化是唐代社会开放的表现之一,妇女穿着男装是当时一种时尚。 4、宋朝时侯的服饰宋朝的男装大体上沿袭唐代样式,一般百姓多穿交领或圆领的长袍,做事的时候就把衣服往上塞在腰带上,衣服是黑白两种颜色。当时退休的官员、士大夫多穿一种叫做「直掇」的对襟长衫,袖子大大的,袖口、领口、衫角都镶有黑边。 头上再戴一顶方桶形的帽子,叫做东坡巾。宋代的女装是上身穿窄袖短衣,下身穿长裙,通常在上衣外面再穿一件对襟的长袖小褙子,很像现在的背心,褙子的领口和前襟,都绣上漂亮的花边。男服服饰:冕服,宋朝开始减少冕服的种类,大典礼穿非冕服的情形,就经常出现。 朝服,宋代在劲下加上特别的装饰谓之方心曲领。公服,宋代以常服为公服。女服服饰:礼服,其服色大致与唐代相同。常服,均以大袖上衣,长裙、霞帔为常服。 5、元代 是中国历史上民族融合的时代,服装服饰也充分体现了这一特点。元太祖成吉思汗自1206年建都,灭西夏、金之后,民族组成主要以蒙古族为主。元代由于民族矛盾比较尖锐,长期处于战乱状态,纺织业、手工业遭到很大破坏。宫中服制长期延用宋式。 直到l321年元英宗时期才参照古制,制定了天子和百官的上衣连下裳上紧下短,并在腰间加襞积,肩背挂大珠的"质孙服"制,汉人称"一色衣"或"质孙服"。这是承袭汉族又兼有蒙古民族特点的服制。元代女服分贵族和平民两种样式。 贵族多为蒙人,以皮衣皮帽为民族装,貂鼠和羊皮制衣较为广泛,式样多为宽大的袍式、袖口窄小、袖身宽肥,由于衣长曳地,贵夫人外出行乐时,必须有女奴牵拉。这种袍式在肩部做有一云肩,即所谓"金绣云肩翠玉缨",十分华美。 作为礼服的袍,面料质地十分考究,采用大红色织金、锦、蒙茸和很长的毡类织物。当时最流行的服用色彩以红、黄、绿、褐、玫红、紫、金等为主。 元代平民妇女穿汉族的襦裙,半臂也颇为通行,汉装的样子常在宫中的舞蹈伴奏人身上出现,唐代的窄袖衫和帽式也有保存。 6、明清时期 明代以汉族传统服装为主体,清代则以满族服装为大流。而两代上下层社会的服饰均有明显等级。上层社会的官服是权力的象征,历来受到统治阶级的重视。自唐宋以降,龙袍和黄色就为王室所专用。百官公服自南北朝以来紫色为贵。明朝因皇帝姓朱,遂以朱为正色。 又因《论语》有“恶紫之夺朱也”,紫色自官服中废除不用。最有特色的是用“补子”表示品级。补子是一块约40~50厘米见方的绸料,织绣上不同纹样,再缝缀到官服上,胸背各一。 7、现代 中华人民共和国建立后,服饰崇尚简朴实用。50~70年代,中山装渐成男子主体服装,此外流行过军便装,人民装;女装受苏联影响,连衣裙风靡城市,此外还流行过列宁装等。但在农村,上衣下裤一直是大多数农民的传统装束。1978年后,中国实行改革开放政策,体现时代精神。 具有中华民族特色的服饰如雨后春笋般发展起来,面貌簇新。其中长期代表中国传统服饰且受多民族服饰影响的汉服大放异彩。20年代前后出现中山装,逐渐在城市普及。 广大农村一直沿用传统的袄裤,头戴毡帽或斗笠。脚着自家缝纳的布鞋。女装。辛亥革命带来了多样化,一身袄裤之外,又多穿用袄裙套装。20年代以来,妇女喜爱旗袍,旗袍逐渐成为时装而不衰。 参考资料来源:百度百科-中国服饰